As per academic regulations of 2010 batch admitted, a student will be declared eligible for the award of B.Tech degree if he or she fulfills the following academic regulations:

“For the award of a degree, candidate has to register for 208 credits and secure 200 credits with compulsory subjects: (compulsory subjects are: all Laboratories and Project work, i.e., the student shall pass all Laboratory examinations and project work)” – Rule 1(b) of Academic Regulations 2010 for B.Tech.(Regular)

However, number of Principles and Students (2010 admitted) of Affiliated Colleges are asking for clarification for the above academic regulation.

As per the directions of Hon’ble Vice – Chancellor and as per the approval in standing council of academic senate of JNTUK, Kakinada, the following clarification is furnished:

I : The student can be awarded degree for 200 credits by exempting maximum of 2 subjects of 2 credits each for I year (1st and 2nd Semester combined) and any one subject of 4 credits from II year to IV year of odd and even semesters.

II : The student can be awarded degree for 200 credits by exempting any 2 subjects of 4 credits each from II year to IV year of odd and even semesters.

Also, the students of 2010 batch admitted will be awarded B.Tech degrees as per the following grades listed below:
Grade & Description% of marks secured
E - AVERAGE40% to < 50%
D - SATISFACTORY50% to < 60%
C - FAIR60% to < 70%
B - GOOD70% to < 80%
A - EXCELLENT80% to < 90%
O - OUTSTANDING90 and above

All the concerned are requested to note the same and act accordingly.

Download Official Notification from the below url