JNTUK Procedure & Instructions For Applying ONLINE OD (Convocation -V)

                                   The Fifth Convocation of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada is tentatively scheduled to be held in Last Week of October 2015 for the students who have completed degree programmes in the academic years 2013-14 & 2014-15. The date and venue of Convocation, Gold medalist details, fee and other details can be viewed from www.jntuk.edu.in The application can be submitted ONLINE from 24-08-2015 from the web link www.jntuk.edu.in The last date for the submission of online applications is 12-09-2015.

Important Note: The candidates who are passed outs from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada during the years (2014,2015) and obtained their Provisional Degree certificates on or before 24-AUG-2015 and not received their Original Degree certificate under Pre-Convocation are eligible for obtaining their Original Degree certificates in Vth Convocation.

Instructions for applying ONLINE OD

The candidates who are passed outs from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada during the years (2014, 2015) and obtained their Provisional Degree certificates are eligible for applying Original Degree certificates in Vth Convocation.
Plz Verify the Student Name, Student Father name printed on Provisional certificates as per SSC. If any mistake found plz immediately change the Provisional certificate in University and then apply.
Last Date for Submission applications through online 12-09-2015.
The Amount 1500Rs/– for the Convaction paid through Online Only.
The Candidate has to upload Educational Details(like PC,CMM,SSC,PHOTO) and Personal details in online-application after the next day of bank payment.
After successful completion of application, the application will be given a unique application number. Quote this application number and maintain the Generated Application form for further correspondences.

List of Details required before applying ONLINE-OD

Payment Details viz. Hall ticket number, Bank payment reference number (DU number) and contact number given during payment.
Student details viz. Hall ticket number, Name (As per SSC), Gender, Fathers Name (As per SSC), contact number, e-mail ID.
Academic details viz. Course, Branch, year of passing, class awarded.
Complete postal address for OD dispatch.
Details of Provisional degree details viz. PC no, PC Sl No, Date of issue of Provisional degree.
Passport size decent colour photograph (in jpg/jpeg format and size less than 100kB).
The Passport size must be save with your hallticket number for example:10791A0404.jpg
Scanned copies of SSC, PC, CMM (B.Tech and B.Pharm. only) (in pdf and size between 50 kB to 200kB each). and all semester marks memos (in pdf/Zip/Rar and size less than 500kB).
Photograph must be a recent passport style colour picture.
Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-coloured, preferably white, background.
Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face if the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows if you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
Caps,hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Regligious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face.
Dimensions 456 x 568 pixels (preferred) Size of file should be between 80-100 kb
The image must be save with your hallticket number for example:10791A0404.jpg
The image must be save with jpg format.
Apply For Bank

Guidelines for Payment :

The convocation fee amount can be paid either by making online Payment (using Master/Visa Credit/Debit (ATM) cards) or by making the payments at any branch of SBI using the on-line Challan generated by this Online Convocation Application.
Select Original Degree fee and provide the details of the candidate viz. hallticket number, Name, Course, Branch, year of passing, contact number, e-mail ID, etc and click on submit Verify the payment details and confirm.
Select the payment options among Net banking, Debit/Credit cards, SBI branch challan payment and make necessary payment. Take a printout of payment details and preserve for further use. The candidate can take printout of e-Receipt of State Bank Collect payment at any time by providing information like contact number, Date of birth, date of payment etc in the State Bank Collect page.
After making the payment, Online convocation application requires 6 to 8 hours time to get your payment details from the bank. The candidates are informed to login at www.jntukexams.net in the next day of payment to submit the online application form.
After entering the Hall ticket number under Apply for Convocation, control will be transferred to State Bank collect page. Read and accept the terms and conditions in disclaimer clause of SBI and click Proceed.
Select Original Degree fee and provide the details of the candidate viz. hall ticket number, Name, Course, Branch, year of passing, contact number, e-mail ID, etc and click on submit. Verify the payment details and confirm.
Select the payment options among Net banking, Debit/Credit cards, SBI branch challan payment and make the necessary payment. Take a printout of payment details and preserve for further use. The candidate can take printout of e-Receipt of State Bank Collect payment at any time by providing information like contact number, Date of birth, date of payment, etc in the State Bank Collect page.

Reprint your Filled Application

For any queries please forward to ace.jntuk.dist@gmail.com


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