JNTUK Procedure to Obtain PC & CMM (Tatkal Process)

JNTU-KAKINADA : Procedure to apply for Provisional Certificates (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memos (CMM)
Such of those students who want the Provisional Certificate urgently for applying to Visa or for higher studies or for any other purpose can take the Provisional Certificate under this scheme.

Procedure to obtain PC & CMM [Tatkal Process]

1. Provisional Certificate application signed by the college Principal 2. Consolidated Marks Memo certified by the concerned college Principal 3. Attested copies of all Marks Memos from SSC up to the Degree. 4. DD for Rs. 3,000/- drawn in the name of The Registrar, JNTU Kakinada, payable at Kakinada 5. Students who failed in 1, 2, 3 subjects & wish to leave then under exemption rule need to submit the undertaking form. [Only For B.Tech Courses] Note : Apply for PC,CMM directly at JNTUK by enclosing the above documents. The Provisional Certificate will be made ready within 24 hours (one working day) after submission. The concerned student can take the Provisional Certificate after producing his College identity card. The consolidate Marks Memo will be sent later.

Download JNTUK Provisional Certificate (Tatkal) Guidelines Form Below :

R10 Academic Regulation Rules :
  • Registered for 208 credits and secured 200 credits with compulsory subjects: (compulsory subjects are: all Laboratories and Project work, i.e. the student shall pass all laboratory examinations and project work)
  • Students, who fail to complete their Four years Course of study within Eight years or fail to acquire the 200 Credits for the award of the degree within ten academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech course and their admission shall stand cancelled.
R10 Lateral Entry Academic Regulation Rules :
  • Registered for 164 credits and secured 156 credits with compulsory subjects: (compulsory subjects are: all Laboratories and Project work, i.e., the students i.e. the student shall pass all laboratory examinations and project work.
  • Students, who fail to complete their three year Course study within six years or fail to acquire the 156 Credits for the award of the degree within 8 academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech course and their admission shall stand cancelled.

What Is Provisional Certificate : answer Taken From Internet

In respect to University/Institute admissions, a provisional certificate is one that can be termed to be a `temporary’ certificate. If say, you are leaving your University for another and the University is not able to process the final certificate (OD) – maybe because the final marks Sheet has not come from the board- then the University will issue a provisional school leaving certificate, which is not confirmed or is not the final document. You will still have to Go back to school to get the final school leaving certificate.
Similarly if you are getting admitted to another University and are unable to give all the documents at the time of admission, you may get a `provisional admission’, which can be cancelled if you don’t submit all your documents by a certain date. So a certificate that is based on certain provisions that are not completed yet, is called a provisional certificate.


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